Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Posted by Heather Heaton at 9:56 AM 4 comments
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
It's Been Awhile!
So it has been a really long time since I have blogged and a lot has happened since my last post! First of all my little guy turned TWO years old! Which is so crazy! Here are a few pictures of him unwrapping some of his Birthday presents!.
And here he is with his Papa Jeff and his awesome baseball cake Grandma Booth made for him, which he LOVED so much! Now when ever he hears that it is someones birthday he says "baseball cake?" So cute!
On Jeff's birthday we actually moved out of my parents house and back out to Rancho.........it is good to have our own place, however, it was an adjustment after living with them for a year and a half.....I got really spoiled with having people around me constantly! I don't like to be alone so it was really nice! These next pictures are of the kiddos at my paretns house. I went to check on them one night before I went to bed and had to take pictures of them !
Hailee climbed out of bed and got her Makayla dollie to sleep with.........such a girl!!
And this is what Jeff sleeps with every night! If you look close his hand is actually in the glove!.........such a boy! (disregard the fact that he is sleeping with Hailee's Princess blanket......I made him his own baseball blanket for his birthday!)
Posted by Heather Heaton at 10:15 PM 5 comments
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
The Birthday Girl!
Hailee was thrilled!
Her cousin Kylie was there
Her cousin Kaiden was there!
Her friends Azure and Claire came!
Her auntie Ashely was there!
This last picture is of Hailee on her actual Birthday, in the Birthday outfit I bought her! My mom took us out to the Grove in Los Angeles where Hailee got to pick out a look a like American Girl Doll! She named her Makayla and she LOVES it! This is the only picture I got! Sadly, my camera died before I got more! Hailee really is loved! She is such a special girl and I feel so blessed to be her mother! I love you Hailee Rae!
Posted by Heather Heaton at 10:06 AM 5 comments
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Random Adventures!
So this is just a post of Random pictures that have been taken over the last month or so. The first couple are from this really cool park called Whitter Narrows Park. It is such a fun place! There are a bunch of little lakes and then some man made stream for the kids to play in...........super fun on a hot day! As you can tell the kids enjoyed themselves!
These pictures are from the train at Victoria Gardens. Jeff loves it! Now everytime we go there he has to go on the train, its not too expensive so that is ok!
This Picture of Hailee was taken today on her first day of Preschool! This is her second year at preschool and she loves it! She is so funny she wanted to make sure that I was going to drop her off, she did not want me to stay with her at school! I was a little offended! But I think it's better then her crying because she doesn't want me to leave. So I guess it is a good thing, I am glad she likes it.
Posted by Heather Heaton at 10:15 AM 4 comments
Friday, July 9, 2010
More pictures!

And this goofy one is pretty cute too! the little stinker! Of course he was half way decent when we brought out the basketball but not good enough to get a really good shot of him.
Posted by Heather Heaton at 8:31 PM 7 comments
Monday, July 5, 2010
Norco with Grandpa Jeff!
Posted by Heather Heaton at 2:40 PM 2 comments
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Funny Girl!
Ok so this picture is from my little brothers wedding two months ago and has nothing to do with this post but is soooo cute so I had to put it up! I figured since I posted about my little Jeffers last time that I would do a little post about my Hailee Rae! This girl just gets cuter and cuter everyday and I cannot believe how big she is getting! I love it and hate it! I want her to stay my sweet little girl forever! But it really is such a joy to watch her grow up! Anways, on to my story.
- HAILEE: (with a very terrified look on her face) "Mommy I don't want to see the Holy Ghost!" (repeated several times)
- ME: (trying not to laugh) "Hailee you are not going to see the Holy Ghost, plus he is our friend and helps us choose the right." (I can tell I am not getting through to her)
- HAILEE:( drawing) "Mommy I will draw a picture of the Holy Ghost." (she draws a big blob)
- ME: ( still trying not to laugh): "Ok"
- HAILEE: (very serious) "Mommy the Holy Ghost has three eyes?"
- ME: (REALLY trying not to laugh) "No honey He has two eyes, like us."
- HAILEE: (still very serious) " I will give him three eyes."
Posted by Heather Heaton at 5:38 PM 6 comments