My sister-in-law's sister-in-law (did you catch that?) took these really cute pictures of the kids. So I thought I would post them and catch you all up on what is going on with my crazy kids! I can't really get this thing to post the pictures the way I want just so you know!
Hailee turned three in October. She just started preschool today and had a great time! Hailee is a very girly girl! She loves all things princess and pink! She loves to have her nails painted and loves to paint anyone else nails that will let her. Hailee also attends a dance class twice a week and really likes it. Like I said she is a very girly girl! She makes us laugh everyday with her spunky goofy personality and really is a very sweet girl. Just the other day we were sitting together and she said to me: "Mommy I love you" and I said "I love you too Hailee". She then said: "Mommy..........I love you again!" It was very cute and made my day! I just hope that in ten years she will be saying the same thing!
Now On to Jeffry! Oh my wild man! He is a handful!! But I think he is sooo stinking cute, so all the choas he brings is ok! Jeffry just turned one in December, but has been walking since he was nine months old. He loves to play with any ball he can get his hands onto! He throws them all over the house. It is so funny becasue Hailee is such a girl and Jeffry is such a boy. The difference between the two is so funny! Jeffry can't say two much yet but he does say ball and mama, very cute. Scott calls him a big dumb jock! How sad huh? I always tell Jeffry he is smart though, so hopefully he listens to me! We are working on Jeffry sleeping through the night, which hopefully he will do consistenly soon! He really is just a little ball of energy but I love him and can't imagine life without him! p.s. I love his pumpkin teeth in that picture, they crack me up!
I feel so blessed to have such wonderful and beautiful children!